America, You Asked For It!

Political News and Commentary from the Right

Who is Herman Cain?

Maybe the 2012 GOP nominee for president?

The presidential campaign season for 2012 has begun, and I haven’t seen Herman Cain listed on the MSM lists of potential Republican candidates, but he has already formed an exploratory committee. “He will formally announce his candidacy in a few months,” according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The paper also reports Cain says the only thing that will keep him from declaring is death.

So who is Herman Cain?

Some might remember him from his 2004 run for the US Senate in Georgia, but that’s the extent of his experience as a politician. He’s currently a conservative talk radio host in Atlanta and a Fox Business News commentator. Cain is president and CEO of The New Voice, Inc., a consulting company he created in the midst of a career as a successful businessman. And now he wants to be President of the United States. Truth is, he might be just what America needs.

Many, including yours truly, think our country is headed for an economic meltdown at the hands of out-of-control government spending and record deficits. We need someone who knows how take the helm, right a listing ship, and get her back on course. Cain has a lot of executive experience that indicates he could be just the doctor our ailing country needs.

According to his online biography, Cain has turned more than one floundering organization around. He worked making burgers for Pillsbury’s Burger King, and after 9 months became the manager of 400 restaurants in the company’s worst performing region, Philadelphia. Within 3 years, Cain had turned things around and the region prided itself as the company’s best with a new reputation of excellence.

Later, Pillsbury appointed Cain as president of it’s Godfather’s Pizza chain at a time when the brand was in dire financial straits. It took the financially savvy Cain only 14 months to return the chain to profitability.

He has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in computer science. Cain has served on several boards of directors as both a member and chairman, including the boards of the National Restaurant Association and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

But it takes more than financial savvy and business sense to win the White House. It takes charisma and an ability to fire up a crowd. Remember the crowds and the rallies of Obama supporters from 2008. It takes someone who can deliver a great speech.

Well, Cain has that too. Dr. Bill Smith, editor of the ARRA News Service and contributing author to this blog, writes “when you see Herman with people, he electrifies them and connects and excites them and moves their reasoning along to the right conclusions. I have noted that people regardless of age, race or sex seem to mentally adopt him as a wise father figure.” Here’s his address to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans last year.

Of course, it might be that more than a lot of experience as a successful businessman and a great speaking ability may not be enough either. Most important of all supporters. Can Herman Cain get an army of supporters behind him?

The American Spectator notes that Cain already won an online poll at the conservative blog, Red State. The article notes Cain’s showing in the non-scientific poll “demonstrated the Georgia businessman’s appeal to the conservative grassroots.” It’s also being reported that Cain has already secured the support of at least one veteran Republican operative in the early primary state of New Hampshire. The video above leads one to believe he could easily win the support of Republican activists like those who attended SRLC last year.

Cain has also attracted quite a following through his involvement with the Tea Party. Many would argue it was these grassroots activists, roused to action by Democrats’ forcing their unwanted agenda on the American people, who were responsible for Republicans’ sweeping election victories last November. Politics Daily mentioned his Tea Party credentials months ago in an article identifying Cain as a possible presidential contender in 2012. “He was the featured speaker at a recent Tea Party held in Des Moines, Iowa, he has already lined up the support of Joe the Plumber,” wrote columnist Matt Lewis.

Proven executive experience, support within the Republican Party, an incredible ability to motivate crowds with moving speeches, and approval of Tea Party activists. That seems like a pretty good pad from which to launch a campaign.

If you want to learn more about Herman Cain, check out his website, the site, and his Hermanator PAC.

Tags: Election 2012, Herman Cain, Hermanator PAC,, Conservative, Tea Party, SRLC, Republicans, Campaign, Exploratory Committee

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January 5, 2011 - Posted by | Election 2012 |


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by John Allison III. John Allison III said: You Asked for It! Who is Herman Cain?: The presidential campaign season for 2012 has begun, and I haven’t seen H… […]

    Pingback by Tweets that mention Who is Herman Cain? « America, You Asked For It! -- | January 5, 2011 | Reply

  2. Thanks for the mention. Herman Cain is a great conservative. He and others will be at the TEA Party Convention in April 7-9, 2011 in Memphis. He will also be at the SLRC 2011 on June 16-19, 2011 in New Orleans. Will be posting more info on these events on the ARRA News Service

    Comment by Dr. Bill Smith | January 6, 2011 | Reply

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