America, You Asked For It!

Political News and Commentary from the Right

Fire General Casey!

by Linday Chavez at

“What happened at Fort Hood was a tragedy, but I believe it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty here.” Those words were spoken not by some diversity guru but by the Army Chief of Staff, Gen. George Casey, on ABC last week in the aftermath of the slaughter of 13 people at the hands of a fellow officer. Nor were they isolated comments open to misinterpretation. Casey repeated them, in virtually identical form, in interviews with NBC and CNN.

Casey’s remarks should lead to his immediate firing. But, of course, that won’t happen because he is merely echoing the official government line. From the moment word leaked out that the suspected shooter at Fort Hood was Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, government officials began to weave their Orwellian cocoon. The commander in chief warned Americans not “to jump to conclusions,” while Casey and others dismissed as “anecdotal evidence” eyewitness reports that Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar” before pumping 100 rounds of ammunition into his fellow soldiers. The only ones that jumped to conclusions were the U.S. government; immediately after the attack, the Obama administration shot down the notion that this was an act of terrorism.

But not even the mainstream media are buying this nonsense. Journalists have tracked down Hasan’s colleagues at Walter Reed Army Hospital, where Hasan served as a staff psychiatrist until he was transferred to Fort Hood prior to his intended deployment overseas. They’ve talked to local imams with whom he had contact, and have even found investigators willing to reveal, albeit anonymously, details of botched investigations of Hasan. And the story line emerging is increasingly clear: Hasan had become a radical Islamist who reached out to jihadists in Yemen, and perhaps elsewhere, as he prepared to launch a terrorist attack on a military installation.

Hasan initiated contact with Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born imam now living in Yemen, who had ties to three of the 9/11 hijackers. Hasan sent 10-20 e-mails to Awlaki before the Fort Hood shooting, and Awlaki has since praised Hasan for the attack.


November 13, 2009 Posted by | War on Terror | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Newsflash: Ft Hood Jihadist NOT a Tea Partier!


And he probably didn’t watch Glenn Beck either!

November 12, 2009 Posted by | War on Terror | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Excuse me Mr. President. It was an act of terror!

Update–US knew Ft Hood Terrorist Tried to Contact Al-Qaeda

That’s right!  Even though the Apologist-In-Chief, the Great Empathizer with Radical Islam, the Socialist Leader of the United States doesn’t want to call the latest slaughter of Americans on US soil by a Muslim Jihadist a terror attack, anyone who opens their eyes can now see this was exactly that!

Even the former Democrat Senator Joe Liebermann (I-CT) is now calling the murderous rampage by the American-born Muslim radical, Nidal Hasan, a terror attack.  But not our illustrious Nationalizer of Private Industry!  No.  His Justice Department immediately concluded that terrorism was NOT involved, before a single FBI agent arrived at the scene!  The first statement from the Great Orator Reader of Teleprompters to the American public he believes is foolish enough to believe anything he says was “Don’t jump to conclusions!”

Now how on Earth could our Omnipotent Oracle and his underlings divine that terror wasn’t involved when the attack was minutes old?  When they couldn’t have received much more information than the name of the shooter and a rough sketch of how the carnage was carried out?

Simple.  The Prophet of Partakers of Entitlement Programs didn’t want it to be terrorism.

That might interfere with his most pressing priority, to force Americans to enjoy the services of a new government-run health care system.  It also might impede his planned heart-to-heart talk with the President of Persia, the Virulent Victor of last summer’s elections in Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  It might cause Americans to question our Dithering Dear Leader’s indecisiveness on General McChrystal’s request for more troops in Afghanistan.

In short, a terror attack at this time would just be too inconvenient, so the Propagandist President Obama just decided to call it something else.  Anything else.  Or nothing at all.  Just not terrorism.

But those pesky pests in the Out-of-the-Mainstream Press just kept digging, and the evidence shows the Administration’s assumptions may be off the mark.  Comments to colleagues and internet postings paint a clear picture of a developing Jihadist in the months preceding the attack.  Referring to the War on Terror as a “war on Islam” and berating the US with “anti-American rants” motivated his colleague Dr. Val Finnell to complain to superiors when the two worked together in 2007-2008.  Now, Finnell says he’s not surprised at Hasan’s violence.

And leave it to our friends across the pond (because it’s certain our mainstream media wouldn’t cross the hand that feeds it) to get the scoop on Hasan’s ties to the September 11 hijackers.  The has discovered Hasan attended mosque with two of the terrorists who killed almost 3,000 on American soil in 2001.  Led at the time by a radical imam who now lives in Yemen and has been forbidden from preaching in the UK due to his ties to terrorism and support for terror attacks on British troops, the mosque and its influence on Hasan must be considered as possible motivation for, not just this attack, but his motivation for joining the US military in the first place.

Hasan only completed his studies at the Uniformed Services University Of The Health Sciences F. Edward Herbert School Of Medicine – Bethesda MD in 2003.  His residency wasn’t completed until 2007.  According to the USUHS website, its MD, PhD programs consist of three phases.  The first phase or Graduate Program is generally completed in 3 years, 2 years of classes and the final year spent in research.  The entire program takes 7-8 years to complete.

It’s been reported that his father died in 1998 and his mother in 2001, so he would have matriculated at USUHS just before, or right around, the time of his father’s death according to the time line for his med school program.  Last week’s tragedy reeks of a terrorist act when all these facts are compiled.  But it’s possible administration officials didn’t have all this information compiled immediately following the tragic events.  But that still doesn’t excuse the knee-jerk denial of any possibility of links to terrorism by the monster Hasan.

And even though it’s possible White House officials’ statements were made without knowledge of the circumstances surrounding Hasan, the FBI should most certainly have had the information.  Especially since Hasan had shown up as a blip on their radar screen months before.  In the months following the Omnipotent One’s inauguration, Hasan seemed to become more open about his radical ideology.   Internet posts defending suicide bombers, conversations with a young Muslim mentee, and a presentation given in his fellowship program depict a terrorist sympathizer at best, and a “ticking time bomb” at worst.

All of this evidence contradicts the stance taken by the Administration of the Great Admirer of Himself, that this was not a terrorist act.  Still, in his weekly address to the nation, our President who continues to refuse to give our troops in the field the resources to protect themselves and perform their mission, “honored” those who fell at Ft. Hood, but never once did the words Terror, Terrorism, or Terrorist escape his lips.

Call it what you want Mr. President.  A rose by any other name is still a rose, and a terrorist is a terrorist regardless of the label you give him.

Major Malik Nidal Hassan slaughtered 13 unsuspecting men and women who devoted their lives in the defense of this country, and wounded dozens more.

He’s a terrorist, plain and simple.

November 8, 2009 Posted by | War on Terror | , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments