America, You Asked For It!

Political News and Commentary from the Right

Go Figure, More Americans Dead at the Hands of A Muslim Radical

13 dead, and 28 wounded as of this moment. Yesterday, Muslim Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan went on a shooting rampage at Ft. Hood, TX and radical Islam struck another blow against our country and our way of life.

While President Obama “dithers” and our soldiers in Afghanistan continue to die, our enemies become more emboldened and convinced they can outlast us and eventually defeat us. His international apology tour earlier this spring, his patronizing address to the Muslim radicals who seek to destroy us, his shutting down the Gitmo detention center for our terrorist enemies, his seeking to prosecute CIA interrogators who obtained information that saved American lives, and now his refusal to give troops in the field the resources they need to protect themselves and complete their mission are all working to strengthen our enemies and weaken our ability to defend ourselves.

President Obama’s decision to prematurely withdraw from Iraq has had exactly the effect those who understand military strategy thought it would.  Our terrorist enemies have shifted the bulk of their resources from the flat, open terrain along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to the rugged, mountainous terrain of Afghanistan–a land that hasn’t been conquered since Alexander the Great stormed seized control of the territory around 330 BC.

In short, our inexperienced President has played right into the enemy’s hands.

And though Obama, his left-wing allies in Congress, and peaceniks everywhere hypothesized that our involvement in Iraq aided terrorists’ recruitment efforts, it’s his policies of shifting the battlefield from one that is more favorable to one that is less favorable to our men, machines, and tactics that has sparked the greatest increase in enemy attacks since before President Bush’s “surge” in Iraq.  These perceived victories for our enemies are the real catalysts for the Taliban recruiting bonanza in Afghanistan.

But it’s also sure to serve as a motivating tool for disenchanted Islamists around the world to join their brothers and sisters to fight the infidel.

We saw this earlier this year when radical Muslim Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad murdered Pvt William Long and wounded Pvt Quinton Ezeagwula at a Little Rock, AR Army recruiting station.  Two soldiers targeted by a radical, American born Muslim for serving their country…the US…the infidel.  Now we see it again, to a higher degree, at Ft. Hood, TX.  Another radical Islamist, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, murdered 13 and wounded 30 more.

For months before the Little Rock attack, the FBI had supposedly been tracking Muhammad because his activities had drawn suspicion of terrorist tendencies.  But some have stated the FBI had been told to “back off” suspected Muslim terrorists in the US prior to the Little Rock attack.  In the Ft. Hood case, we now know Hasan had drawn the attention of the FBI at least six months prior to his murderous rampage.  One must wonder, just what restrictions have been placed on the professional investigators at the FBI that prevented them from being close enough to prevent this tragedy.

A man who served his country as an Army psychiatrist at Ft. Hood for the past six years.  According to a Fox News article on the shooting, Hasan recently received a poor job review.  Why would this man, who apparently performed his job satisfactorily the past six years, suddenly become disenchanted and frustrated to the point that he would take up arms, attack, and murder his comrades?

Was he motivated by a Commander-In-Chief who apologizes for every international action ever taken by the US, who praises Islam and snubs Christianity at every opportunity, whose military strategy comes from snobbish Ivy League scholars who’ve never carried a rifle, or operated a tank?  As the Taliban continues to gain strength, and their victories receive more press, and the President continues to “dither” and leave deployed American forces in a sort of uncertain limbo, expect more and more radical Islamists to emboldened and compelled to lash out.  Both here and abroad.

And as long as President Obama continues to provide aid and comfort to our enemy, through direct propaganda and appeasement, and through his elitist, idealistic approach to military strategy, each one of these deaths should be laid at his doorstep.

The blame is yours Mr. President.

November 7, 2009 Posted by | Obama, War on Terror | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments